Thursday, January 26, 2006

Jamie Foxx did his thing last night!

I am so glad NBC invested the time to show Jamie's special. It was ground breaking for that reason alone!

I liked the format. The dramatizations were cool, I wasn't engrossed in them, but I like how he tied them in the to the show. I should have been longer though. Almost like a one man show. I would of loved to hear him sing more song that were not on the album. Just showcasing his skill as a singer.

I watch him and I am in total awe because he can really sing, really act and is really funny. Not many people can tackle all three. Hell, many can't handle just one.

Mary was on point, and I loved his duet with Common. The last two songs were pulling on the heart-strings. Especially the song for his Grandmother. I love how he reverences her in all he does. He know how to respect a woman, that beautiful.

He is of course fine as hell. He's picked up some weight too since he lost so much for Ray.
I can't wait to see him in Dreamgirls with my girl Beyonce.